5.3 Embedding trust and reputation within the ecosystem
Trust is one of the most powerful economic forces in the world, as noted by Charlie Munger, and reputation is a direct and measurable reflection of trust. Bondex embeds reputation at the core of its ecosystem with two key metrics:
Bondex Reputation Score
The Bondex Reputation Score is similar to what Meta attempted earlier and combines both on-chain and off-chain psychometric data with economic intent from wallets and digital assets.
It reflects a user's blockchain-based activities and their broader professional and social interactions. This creates a comprehensive measure of a user's professional credibility and trustworthiness.
Bond Points
Our platform incorporates a gamified reputation point system where users can earn Bond Points for positive contributions and valuable interactions within the network.
These points act as a premium currency (Akin to videogames) that users can spend to access opportunities and rewards. This system incentivizes constructive engagement while ensuring that contributions lead to real economic benefits for users and meaningful interations.
In short, as Ignacio Palomera, co-founder of Bondex, succinctly put it,
"Bondex = Trust + Reputation + Economic opportunity”
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